Group Winning, Multiple Group Placing GCHB Hayat Sarea Sundari Best at the Palace CA DCAT ATT
Gideon finished his Championship at just 15 months of age with four majors. Some of his major wins include awards at Saluki & Hound Specialties, and one Best of Breed over multiple mature specials. His first day out as a special, at just 15 months old, Gideon was awarded Best of Breed in a large lineup of specials and went on to win a large Hound Group at the "Houston World Series of Dog Shows" under respected Hound expert, Dr. Ken Levison. Gideon resides in Texas with his primary owners, Melissa & Shaun Nute who adore him and do all the fun things with him in his spare time. Gideon is handled in part by his owner Melissa, and in her absence, by his handler Samantha Niemeck.
You can view Gideon's pedigree here
You can view Gideon's OFA health testing here. He is too young for complete health testing, but he will finish that up sometime in the near future.
You can view Gideon's pedigree here
You can view Gideon's OFA health testing here. He is too young for complete health testing, but he will finish that up sometime in the near future.